Monday, August 22, 2005


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Frère Roger has entered the life of eternity

During the evening prayer on Tuesday 16 August, in the midst of thecrowd surrounding the Community in the Church of Reconciliation, a woman - probably mentally disturbed - struck Brother Roger violently with knife blows. He died a few moments later.

In its sorrow, the Taizé Community thanks all those who aresupporting it by their affection and their prayer. On the morning of 17 August, after Brother Roger's death, the following prayer was readin the church:

"Christ of compassion, you enable us to be in communion with thosewho have gone before us, and who can remain so close to us. Weconfide into your hands our Brother Roger. He already contemplates the invisible. In his footsteps, you are preparing us to welcome aradiance of your brightness."

The funeral of Brother Roger will take place on Tuesday 23 August at 14.00.Each afternoon, from 15.00 to 19.00, his body is placed in the church of Taizé, so that all who wish may go and meditate close by him.

Eight years ago, Brother Roger designated Brother Alois to succeedhim, as the person in charge of the community. Brother Alois hasentered straight away into his ministry as servant of communion at the heart of the community.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Theoblogy Will Return...

...on October 1.

...whether you want it to or not.